Recipe: Perfect Healthy Overnight Oats: Breakfast Recipe (no sugar)

Healthy Overnight Oats: Breakfast Recipe (no sugar).

Healthy Overnight Oats: Breakfast Recipe (no sugar) You can cook Healthy Overnight Oats: Breakfast Recipe (no sugar) using 12 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Healthy Overnight Oats: Breakfast Recipe (no sugar)

  1. It's of Overnight mix.
  2. You need of oats.
  3. You need of banana.
  4. You need of Cocoa powder (optional).
  5. Prepare of milk.
  6. Prepare of honey (optional).
  7. Prepare of Toppings.
  8. You need of banana.
  9. It's of almonds.
  10. It's of cashew.
  11. It's of Flax/Chia/Basil seeds (optional).
  12. You need of Fruit of your choice.

Healthy Overnight Oats: Breakfast Recipe (no sugar) instructions

  1. Take one banana and mash it to make a thick paste. Add cocoa powder (optional) if you like chocolate flavour. You can use cinnamon/cardamom/coffee powder as per your preferred flavour. Then add 2 cups of rolled oats..
  2. Now add 1 cup milk and make a paste. Add chia/basil/flax seeds of your choice. You can skip that if you don't have. You can also add 1tsp honey if you like more sweet. Let the mix rest overnight in fridge..
  3. Next morning, your overnight oats is ready. Toppings are optional. You can skip this or you can top it with banana/fruits/nuts/chocolate anything..

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